Mark Your Calendar!
Saturday, June 14, 2025, from 11AM - 5PM
This FREE festival features interactive art projects for all ages, a print market, food trucks, beer booths, live music, heavy machinery, and steamroller printing.
The Foundry’s Block Party centers on a unique and over-the-top method of printmaking, using a STEAMROLLER! Large-scale images created by regional artists are carved on large woodblocks. Kansas City-based Twin Hounds Print Shop and their team of inkers roll ink onto these blocks, canvas is laid on top, and then the whole thing is run over with a steamroller – squishing the ink from the woodblock to the sheet. These fantastic prints will be taken into the Foundry’s Grand Hall to dry on display.
In addition to the steamroller prints, the Foundry’s Block Party features an interactive, heavy machinery display in the Foundry’s parking lot, where families can interact with the St. Charles Public Works Department and more. The Foundry will also host live music and food & drinks throughout the day. Visitors are invited to visit artist and sponsor booths, print demonstrations, free art activities for all ages, and of course, to view all of the prints created throughout the day.
2025 Participants and Activities
Central Print
Craft Alliance
Lego Printing with Homeward Bound Press
Stay Tuned!
Flash Tattoos w/ Benjamin Graham & his crew
Paint a Snowplow w/ City of St. Charles Public Works
Stay Tuned!

Special Thanks to our 2025 Sponsors & Partners
If you are interested in Sponsoring this Awesome Event, please reach out to Foundry Director, Hilda Andres!
For more information about the Event, please email Jessica Mannisi, Director of Art & Exhibitions, at