Samantha Mendoza
off the block
print Exhibition
June 7-22, 2024
Opening Reception: June 7, 5-8pm
Off the Block is a captivating, small group exhibition which explores the art of printmaking through the diverse perspectives of Julia Curran, Cullen Curtis, Samantha Mendoza, Emmett Merrill, Candice Corgan, and Pele Prints artists Erik Barthels, Laura Berman, Lora Fosberg, Benjamin Guffee, Sarah Hinckley, Mary O’Malley, Xochi Solis, Amanda Verbeck, and Ken Wood.
This exhibition showcases a range of techniques, from traditional etching and silkscreen to innovative digital processes. Themes range from love, loss, mental health, human fallibility, humor, the mundane, and political discourse. Included in the exhibition is printing equipment on loan from Goellner Printing.
Off the Block kicks off the Foundry’s month-long celebration of Printmaking, culminating in the Block Party steamroller printing event on June 15th.
Events & exhibitions at the Foundry Art Centre are free and open to the public. For more information, please email Jessica Mannisi, Director of Exhibitions, at