going home
October 22 - December 4, 2015
Opening Reception | October 22,
6 - 8 pm | FREE
Jeffrey Abt
Bob Ahrens
Future Akins
Mackenzie Barnes
Bartosz Beda
Elizabeth Castiglione
Susan Chambers
Joseph Ciaccio
Heather Clark Hilliard
David Coleman
John DenHouter
Carly Drew
Corey Drieth
Emily Dunlap
Joan Dyer
Kimia Emami
Suzy Farren
Barry Fitzgerald
Kim Foster
Gaye Gambell-Peterson
Julie Gautier-Downes
Ted Gillespie
Louise Halsey
David Hanlon
Spring Hansen
David Harmon
Sharon Harper
Rhonda King
Ruth Kolker
Tony Lazorko
Amanda Maciuba
Patricia Malarcher
Teri Moore
Nan Renaud
Kathy Rotert
Phillip Scarpone
Bryce Speed
Becky Stevens
Kerra Taylor
Leah Thomason Bromberg
Ron Vivod
Doerte Weber
Margi Weir
Ralph White
Logan Woodle
David Yates
Maggie Zografais
We’ve all heard that “home is where the heart is”, but what does that mean to you? The Foundry Art Centre’s juried exhibition "Going Home" asks the artist to explore the question of what is meant by “home”. Is it a place, a feeling, a person, a concept? Does it ground you or set you free? Is it where you begin, end, or reside? This all-media exhibition showcases the artwork of over 45 artists who share with us their version of home.
Mark Appling Fisher grew up in a small farming community in East Central Missouri, received a B.M.Ed. in Music Education from the University of Missouri-St. Louis in 1972, and earned a Master of Arts in Black and White Photography from Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri in 1982.
Mark has taught for more than ten years at the college level in the St. Louis area. He teaches courses in black
and white film photography, alternative photographic processes and digital photography. From educating kindergartners to senior citizens, Mark has always had
a love of teaching.
Mark’s work has been included in more than 120 exhibitions regionally and nationally, including over twenty One-Man Shows. He has also curated a variety of exhibitions. In June 2014, Mark published his first book of photographs, “Turn Left at the Blinking Light”, adding author to his list of artistic achievements.
Visit Mark's Website here.