Exhibition | Photography 6 2018
February 2 - March 16, 2018
Friday, February 2, 5:30 - 8:00pm | FREE
The role of photography in our digital age cannot be overstated. From a medium whose novelty arose from its ability to accurately record the world around us, the art of photography has expanded through technology to one that should not be accepted at face value. Although staging, composition, and artistic intent have always formed the base of photographic artwork, the advance in the medium now open a world of possibilities that were not available even a few years ago. Photography 6 captures the breadth within the photographic world. All works operate from a photographic origin, whether manually or digitally manipulated, raw, or incorporated into mixed media pieces.
Accepted Artists
Ashely Beatty
Patrick Carr
Denise Cerniglia
John Chavers
Andrea Coates
David Coleman
Amber Crabbe
Miguel de Aguero
Jonathan Dix
Jon Dunning
Brittany Dyer
Brian Goodman
Robert Gordon
Beth Goyer
David Hanlon
Michael Hower
Brandon Hudson
Gregory Kluempers
Agatha Klym
Dave Kube
Holly Lay
Bodhi Lee
Betsy Litton
Stephen Marc
Julie O'Connor
Nancy Otti
Andres Perez
Nicole Price
Sue Rakers
Sherry Salant
Phil Scorza
Madayam Thirunarayanan
Andrea Upshaw
Jody Williams
Raymond Yeager
Barbara Zucker
[1] "Going Solo " Exhibition or $500
[2] $200 Juror's Choice Awards
All Entries Due | December 11
Notification of Accepted
Work Mailed | January 5
Deadline for Receipt
of Shipped Work | January 26
Deadline for
Hand-Delivered Work | January 27 & 28
Exhibition Opens |February 2, 2018
Opening Reception | Friday, 5:30 - 8:00pm | FREE
Foundry Art Centre Gallery Hours | Tue - Thu
10 - 8 | Fri - Sat 10 - 5 | Sun 12 - 4
Exhibition Closes | March 16
Pick-up of Artwork | March 17 & 18
Artwork Shipped | Week of March 19
One of the many responsibilities of an artist is to present their audience with a unique mode of seeing through the use of form, subject, and content – a trinity of essential elements. Without this solid foundation, creative ideas fail to develop and grow. Successful art should challenge both artist and viewer to rethink the possibilities of perception and to give voice to that which has heretofore gone unnoticed. The work selected for this exhibition embodies this approach, most specifically in terms of photography and its incomparable ability to command the reconsideration of truths. As stated in the call for submissions:
The role of photography in our digital age cannot be overstated. From a medium whose novelty arose from its ability to accurately record the world around us, the art of photography has expanded through technology to one that should not be accepted at face value.
The selections from the submissions entered in the exhibition are the work that most effectively takes on the task of exercising the photographic conversation as we understand it in this moment. In choosing, I revisited each piece several times, asking myself how my understanding changed with each new encounter. I carefully considered the success of each piece through every detail that I could extract from the work.
A given viewer may agree or disagree with the work that I have chosen, but the reality that each person will possess a different viewpoint is something that is integral to my understanding of the world and of my creative studio and teaching practices. Particular to the arts, it is something that must be embraced and engaged readily along with all of it’s ambiguities and consequences. It is a great privilege to jury the work of my peers, and one in which I am honored to take part.
Kathleen's work investigates the passage of time, memory, and the fleeting nature of experience, particularly in reference to intimate spaces and relationships. She earned her BFA from the University of Missouri-Columbia and her MFA from Washington University in St. Louis. She currently serves as a Professor of Art and Chair of Graphic Design at Saint Charles Community College.
Open to all artists 18 years & older, world-wide, both
amateur & professional, working in all styles & schools of
thought. This includes alternative and traditional artwork.
Questions about eligibility can be sent to exhibitions@foundryartcentre.org.
All media in 2D & 3D forms will be considered. 2D work must be suitably framed and prepared to hang with all hardware readily attached. There is no minimum size requirement and larger pieces must be able to enter the gallery through an 84” x 71” doorway. Once installed, work may not exceed 11 feet in height. Any installation or digital works must speak with Exhibitions Manager
to coordinate presentation. A maximum of 3 entries per artist may be submitted for consideration. Artists may submit entries the following ways: 1) through the FAC website using the online form, 2) on a CD or USB flashdrive (CD/flashdrive will not be returned), or 3) via e-mail to exhibitions@foundryartcentre.org. For emailed entries, include required entry information with each image sent as it corresponds to entry form. Limit 2 jpegs per artwork: 1 full view & 1 (optional) detail or alternate view. Title each jpeg file to correspond with the # on the entry form as such:
yourlastname_entry#.jpg. Each jpeg must be limited to 1024 pixels on the longest side. Submissions that do not comply with these rules will not be presented to the juror.
See Exhibitions FAQ for details.
The Foundry Art Centre is a dynamic, interactive center dedicated to the creation & presentation of contemporary visual and performing arts. Our mission is to connect people with the arts through exhibitions, studio artists, performances, & education. Featuring a state-of-the-art gallery, the Foundry hosts national and international juried fine art exhibitions and curated traveling exhibitions.
The Foundry Art Centre reserves the right to photograph and reproduce, in color or black & white, all artworks accepted for this exhibition, regardless of copyright, for educational and/or publicity purposes.
The Foundry Art Centre will retain a 35% commission on all sales directly attributed to the exhibition. All prices (including frame and matte) set by the artist at the time of entry should include the 35% commission. The price will remain the same price for the duration of the exhibition. Foundry Art Centre provides standard insurance at 50% of retail on all exhibited works while on premises. Artist is responsible for work in transit to and from.
Accepted works are to be hand-delivered or shipped in a single reusable crate(s)/carton(s). Include with each work one 3’’x 5’’ card listing Name, Address, Phone, Title, Media, Dimensions, and Price. Attach card to the back of 2D work or base of 3D work. Accepted works must remain for the duration of the exhibition.
Works must be shipped at the artist’s expense to the Foundry Art Centre. Accepted artists shipping their work must include prepaid charges for return shipping. Shipped artwork submitted without pre-paid return shipping labels (no stamps) will be disposed of at the close of the exhibition.
Hand-delivered works must be picked up at the close of the exhibition or work becomes property of FAC to dispose of as it sees fit.