July 27 - September 7, 2012

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Action, lively characters and a sequential format have been a longstanding tradition in the comic arts. From a panel cartoon to a graphic novel, comic art storytelling appeals to audiences both young and old. In the last few decades there has been a rise of fine art which clearly have an influence from the comic genre.


Phil McAndrew is an illustrator and cartoonist from Syracuse, NY. He has created illustrations for books, magazines, newspapers, animated television spots, theatre scenery, clothing, posters, album covers, gallery exhibits, and websites. He currently lives in San Diego, CA.
After being awarded the portfolio-based four-year visual art scholarship, he graduated from Daemen College with a BFA in Illustration. His mini comics have been praised by the American Mustache Institute and on USA Today's Pop Candy blog. He contributed comics to a number of anthology books & websites including Top Shelf 2.0 and all three volumes of the You Ain't No Dancer books from New Reliable Press. Phil is a founding member of Found Hat Press, a collective of young illustrators and cartoonists. He's also worked as an educator, teaching art and drawing to young children as part of an after-school program.